Thursday, March 22, 2018

Peace Be Still

He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace, be still!" And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.
Mark 4:39

Many years ago, as a young mother, I was going about my home making beds and getting ready for my day. My heart was broken and I'd not been able to stop the tears from flowing, for a few days. That morning, I stopped in the hallway, of that small country home, with laundry in my arms, and said, "Lord, when You were in the boat with the boys and the storm was ready to destroy you all, You spoke to the wind and the waves, and caused it to be still. I'm asking You to do the same for the storm in my heart.

No more had the request left my lips than He did as I asked. I was humbled, thankful and what else could I do but offer Him PRAISE and thanksgiving.

Is there a storm raging in YOUR life? Ask God to still the storm in your heart, and watch what He does.. Just don't forget to THANK HIM.

He calms the storm,
So that its waves are still.
Psalm 107:29


Bohemian Mama said...

I love you forever Mama. 💛 Miss you bunches, can't wait to hold you again in our forever Heavenly home. 💓

Bohemian Mama said...
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