Friday, December 11, 2015

Is The News Getting You Down?

I have seen what I have to do when any news may come my way, and facebook, newspapers, news broadcasts are FULL of it ALL, is that I will speak to that news. Not to my house it won't come in the Name of Jesus, be it disease, famine, fear, terror, injustice, corruption....NOT TO MY HOUSE.
This house has no fornication, this house has no drugs, this house has no deceit or a lifestyle inhabited by sin, this house has no FEAR or anything else that is an address for the devil to come to, and in the Name of Jesus he will not be allowed. This house is sanctified, covered by the BLOOD OF JESUS, not just inhabited by angels but they are sent to work all the time. I CHOOSE to live and move and have my being in God, IN THE SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH, IN THE SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY where DIVINE PROTECTION is for all of us, in Jesus' Name.

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