Sunday, February 17, 2008


A friend of mine phoned me this early yesterday afternoon and wanted to know if I'd go out to grab a bit of lunch with her. Sounded like a good deal to me. :)

After we had been seated and our drink was served, she began to relate to me the events of that morning....not long before she'd picked me up.

We live in a very small community. She'd seen a state troopers car at just about every turn she made that morning while running errands. That's unusual, because we don't just see troopers cars often, just local police.

Not long afterwards, she turned a corner and saw a bunch of lights. The troopers had all gathered around the car they'd pursued and finally located.

While she was negotiating a turn away from the scene, she saw two very young men that were being cuffed and shuffled into an officers car. While they were on their way there, she saw the face of this young man, their eyes met.... was like that of one "caged" and forlorned, fearful, hopeless. His eyes met hers and it touched her heart so, she went to the nearest place to park and wept and wept. Everywhere she went afterwards, she had to pull over because she could not drive for weeping.

I asked her what God was showing her. She reminded what He's told us only days ago...

--Stand where God stands.
--See what God sees.
--Say what God says.
--Stay the course and not back off.

She said she was seeing what God sees. souls lost... He let her know that people are praying for finances and good health and those things are already promised to us....but people are not praying for souls.

While I sat there hearing that, my heart was touched so...she reached across the table and took my hand to say that that could have been our son, our grandson, our brother, daughter...etc. The Body is failing to pray for SOULS.

My heart was recalling a song that many of us have heard...remember....

"Rescue the perishing, care for the dying, Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save."

That's part of an old old song that probably is not sung much these days, but my spirit recalled it....with sadness.


We need to take God's promises that He's already given to us about the provision He's made in the New Covenant FOR US. RECIEVE them, receive our good - divine health, receive our monetary provision...and THE BLESSING we're suppose to be walking in and and then TAKE CARE OF KINGDOM BUSINESS!!!

This evening I was remembering 42:10 it tells us:
And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.

I've always seen our lives as seed sowers. But when I remembered again what Job did, it brought again that if we will pray for HIS - HE will take care of us and ours.

The devil hates all of God's creation. he hates the trees, water, the beauty that God made. he hates those that are made in God's image whethere they are saved or not. He's out to kill, kill, kill.....destroy, destroy, destroy......steal, steal, steal.....EVERYTHING he can, particularly since he knows his time on this earth is short. OUR TIME ON THIS EARTH IS SHORT. The devil is out to havest and waste any and everything he can get his hands on.

When it comes down to the wire....the devil is after souls.
The Word of God tells us that Gods eyes goes to and fro all across the globe looking for people that will take His Word and stand in the gap and PRAY.


He knows it takes divine intervention that and that WE CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE, because the effectual - fervent prayer of the Righteous avials much.

OH FATHER, I ask You to stir our hearts to SEE WHAT YOU SEE. I ask YOU to stir those slumbering chords in our hearts that will PRAY FOR SOULS. Lead us by YOUR SPIRIT, into intercession and warfare. Lead our hearts to SEE WHAT YOU SEE, Father, and be moved to MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Because we can by YOUR SPIRIT and YOUR WORD. You've equipped us, and taught our hands to war. I ask YOU to help us to see our great and precious promises, and walk in them all, so we are not always looking at our need....but will be Your eyes, Your hands, Your ears, Your feet, Your mouth as the ambassadors You've sent us here to be. In the Mighty Name of Jesus.


Renna said...

Thank you for this heart-stirring post, Sharon!

Sharon said...

Yes Ma'am. It's been stirring my own heart.


Marilyn@A Mixed Bouquet said...

Wow! Amen!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder.

I spend time praying for my children's souls - and for their friends. I pray for my extended family and my friends, but there are so many souls I may never meet that need my prayers as well.
