Friday, April 4, 2008

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But Words Will Set Me FREE

There's a place in God's Word where the "religious" people of that day brought a woman that was "caught" in adultery to trap Jesus with His words and discredit Him with the people that were learning by Him. They were afraid of the influence He had with the people.

Well, they didn't bring the "fellow" caught in adultery...don't you know, and according to "law" they were both to be brought and dealt harshly with, in public. Stoned....killed.

Thank God Jesus came to FULFILL the law.

Jesus was just so cool....He stooped down and began writing in the dirt in front of Him. I've always wondered what He was writing...THEIR OWN sin maybe. Have often thought that maybe He was writing down some of their own mistresses names. BUT He was probably writing down some of God's Word that convicted them, and they couldn't face it, and walked away.

John 3:17 tells us:
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Jesus moved with the compassion of the know He didn't come to condemn that woman, He just told her to go and not do it again. Set her free spirit, soul and body. NO CONDEMNATION, just the Love of the Father.

He told us that He did only what He heard from His Father. That's what we as "Christians" are suppose to be doing. BUT we'll not KNOW what the FATHER would do if we don't consume God's Word. That's where we learn His character, His heart, His will, and are shown His example through Jesus.

He fed the hungry
He healed the sick
He raised the dead
He loved the unlovable
He set the captive free
He showed the LOVE of the Father
He cast out devils
He restored lives and made them whole
He gave hope to those without hope
He brought beauty where lives were just a heap of ashes
He never never believed that anyone was a "throw away."

None of us will ever know those things unless we put God's Word in front of our eyes and into our heart, will we?

Father, HELP US to LEARN how to display YOUR Love, from Your Word, in Jesus' Name.

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